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“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” — Maya Angelou

Doggie CakeEatsLifestyle

Canine Cake

We wanted to do something special for our puppy’s first birthday.  My daughter came up with idea for baking her a birthday cake. The nice thing about Golden Retrievers is that they are not picky eaters... at least ours isn’t.  She’s been know to scarf down rocks, tree bark, and swim goggles,…
Michelle Tucker
October 25, 2020
Home schoolLifestyle

Bringing Some Fun to Distance Learning

We are heading into our sixth month of distance learning.  Needless to say, we've had our share of ups and downs, but we feel like we are finally finding our groove.   Getting settled into a routine has its advantages, but sometimes you still need a break from that feeling…
Michelle Tucker
October 13, 2020

Bats in the Belfry

Seeing how “batty” 2020 has been, it seems only fitting to fill our home with bats this Halloween.  I used to cut my own bats out of foam paper sheets, but I saw you can buy like 60 of these little blood-suckers on amazon for under 10 bucks.   I traded in my…
Michelle Tucker
October 1, 2020

Easy Old Fashioned Apple Crisp

Easy Old Fashion Apple crisp is one of those desserts that seems to signal the start of fall.  I can't think of a better aroma coming from the oven that says, "autumn has arrived!"  We are lucky enough to have an apple tree that produces an abundance of apples each…
Michelle Tucker
September 25, 2020

Yep, I am a Doomscroller

Can we all agree that everything just kind of sucks right now?  Seriously. There seems to be no good answers for anything at the moment. I learned a new term yesterday.  Doomscroller.  Apparently I’ve been one over last few months. Here is how Miriam-Webster defines it: “Doomscrolling and doomsurfing are new terms…
Michelle Tucker
July 23, 2020
mom guiltLifestyle

There’s No Room for Mom Guilt Right Now

I am burnt out.  There, I’ve said it. I am burnt out, and on top of that I feel guilty for feeling burnt out.  Summer was supposed to be our break, a time to recharge, relax, and maybe take a vacation before the chaos of the school year starts up…
Michelle Tucker
July 16, 2020
Strawberry PieEatsLifestyle

Fresh Strawberry Pie

Fresh strawberry pie is my favorite spring and summer pie recipe. My grandma gave me this strawberry pie recipe many years ago. Unsurprisingly, because Grandmas rock, it is my go-to whenever I have lots of fresh strawberries or blueberries.  Yep, the recipe works great with blueberries too. I love this…
Michelle Tucker
June 27, 2020
Graham Cracker CrustEatsLifestyle

Easy Graham Cracker Crust

It's almost too easy to pop into the store and pick up a graham cracker crust off the self.  You hop in the car, pop into the store, and grab one of those crusts off the shelf. Seems easy enough. However, there is just no comparing a store bought crust…
Michelle Tucker
June 27, 2020
Summer Rules BlogLifestyle

“Screen Time Summer Rules” Printable

If your family is anything like ours you've already had a few screen time battles this summer - and for us it's only been four days! In order to establish some sort of routine that's not limited to waking up and flipping on the tv or picking up a device,…
Michelle Tucker
June 8, 2020