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“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” — Maya Angelou

Happy BirthdayLifestyle

Birthday Celebrations and Traditions

My kid's birthdays are exactly one week apart. I love celebrating their big days, but I am also completely wiped out once they are over. When they were younger I'd combine their birthdays and have a single, giant party each year. Unsurprisingly, as they got a little older they wanted…
Michelle Tucker
April 13, 2021

It’s Just a Number on the Scale

“Maybe you should buy yourself a slimming one-piece swimsuit." That’s what the nurse told me after I saw the number on the scale.  I was feeling discouraged after finding out, after a month of working out and eating right, that I had gained weight instead of losing it.  I was…
Michelle Tucker
March 28, 2021
Tiny BakingEatsLifestyle

Tiny Baking with my Tiny Chef

I'm always looking for good gifts for my kids. I hate getting the kind of gift that ends up getting played with once and is never seen from again.  The good gifts are the ones that keep popping up and getting played with all throughout the year.  When my daughter…
Michelle Tucker
March 3, 2021

Greek Lemon Rice Soup

Greek lemon rice soup, also known as Avgolemono, is one of those dishes that reminds me of home.  The funny part about this is that my family never actually made the soup, nor are we Greek.  Lemon Rice soup is a staple dish at almost all of the Greek restaurants…
Michelle Tucker
February 7, 2021

Working on Me

Did you jump into 2021 wide eyed, bushy tailed, and excited to tackle the new year with a whole set of resolutions?  Or, like me, did you roll into 2021 a bit disheveled, disoriented, and wondering where the heck the holidays went? I did, excitedly, have a few “let’s do…
Michelle Tucker
January 3, 2021
Let it goLifestyle

Let It Go

Sometimes it is hard to "let it go!" This year we’ve all had to learn to let go of things -- it hasn’t always been easy.  I’m the type where once I have a plan or an idea of how things are supposed to be locked into my brain, it’s…
Michelle Tucker
December 22, 2020
Christmas moviesLifestyle

Our Annual 25 Must-Watch Christmas Movies

It's no secret that we love Christmas movies.  These classic holiday movies are just as important to us as twinkle lights and mistletoe.  We seriously wait all year long to squeeze in all these best-loved movies during the short time between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We have a lot that we…
Michelle Tucker
December 14, 2020
Popcorn Turkey dressingEatsLifestyle

Popcorn Turkey Dressing

This popcorn turkey recipe was given to me years ago from my great Aunt Eulah.  Let me start by staying that she was sometimes a bit of a prankster.   If you are looking for an exhilarating popcorn turkey dressing recipe that the kids will beg you to make year after…
Michelle Tucker
November 25, 2020
Caveman modeLifestyle

Caving into Caveman Mode

Is anyone else’s family looking and feeling more like a boorish group of cave dwellers than a modern day family these days? I think we're seriously caving into caveman mode in our house. nearly nine months together in our house, I am starting to learn we’ve all become a little…
Michelle Tucker
November 22, 2020

My Favorite Matching Holiday Pajamas

Is it ever too early to start shopping for matching Holiday pajamas? I don’t think so. If you've tried to buy them in the past you know that the good ones sell out quickly. Even though I buy them early we don't open our pajamas until Christmas Eve.  They are…
Michelle Tucker
November 20, 2020