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Easter Rocks

By April 10, 2020April 20th, 2020drafts, Lifestyle
Easter Egg Rocks

Being home 24/7 during this pandemic has led to a lot of changes in our current lifestyle. Even with all the changes and uncertainties, I still want to try to maintain a sense of normalcy for my kids.  Easter is right around the corner and there are certain traditions that we look forward to each year.  Keeping a simple tradition like coloring eggs gives my kids that sense of normalcy and also makes them feel secure.  This year I didn’t know if eggs would be in stock or not when I went to the store, so I thought of a quick alternative just in case.

painting Rocks

The kids and I went around and collected egg-shaped rocks and painted them as Easter eggs.  We spent the afternoon getting creative and turning otherwise drab stones into spring colored masterpieces.  They turned out so cute that we may have a new Easter tradition for years to come.  Who knows, I still may be able to find some eggs, and if I do we will color them, but if not, we found something we enjoyed just as much.  Just a quick idea I wanted to share just in case you also have a hard time finding eggs this year.  Happy Easter.

Easter rocks
Easter Egg Rocks

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