- Sledding
- Ice skating
- Hiking
- Snowshoeing
- Fire-pits
- Indoor Swimming
- Board Games
- Badger Pass Ski and Tubing Area

Complimentary continental breakfast at the Explorer Clubhouse for all registered Explorer Cabin guests. (although it was closed during this particular stay)
Exclusive access to the Explorer Lounge.
Exclusive check-in access at Explorer Clubhouse for all registered Explorer Cabin Guests *
Afternoon reception featuring wine and beer.
Two souvenir water bottles.
S’mores Kit.
As mentioned, we rocked our own breakfasts, so that wasn’t a big deal. We brought our own beverages, both adult and kid friendly, so we were good to go on that front. And while the S’mores Kits weren’t available, the wonderful fire-pits were totally fired up, so we brought our own kits for the kiddos. And mom.

Mom of two and seeking sanity in the everyday. Let’s chat about family, school struggles, travel, and living our best life. Located in the San Francisco Bay area.
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