We have now taken a few trips together as a family, and what I have learned is to expect the best, but be prepared for anything. Traveling with kids is a whole other ballgame than traveling alone or with adults. When I plan a trip with the kids, I always try to balance some adventure with a good amount of leisurely down time, because who likes coming back from a trip feeling more exhausted than before they left? I have also found that it’s good to have breaks in our schedule, because you never know if someone will get sick, hurt, or just have an epic meltdown. In the past when I traveled alone, I had a tendency to try to do and see as much as I could, but as I learned on our latest trip to Costa Rica with the kids, I now sometimes have to compromise.

- Thermometer
- Ibuprofen or Tylenol
- Dramamine
- Ziplock Baggies
- Plastic Bag
- Google Translate (an app on your phone that can come in handy if you are in another country)
- Band-aids
- Neosporin
- Hydrocortisone

Mom of two and seeking sanity in the everyday. Let’s chat about family, school struggles, travel, and living our best life. Located in the San Francisco Bay area.
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