This all makes me think what an odd “gift” it is in today’s busy world to have an empty calendar. Before the shelter-in-place there was always something to do. When we had free time we had endless options on how to fill it up be it dining, movies, or any number of adventures. The more fantastic events would always win out over simple ones because, let’s face it, doing a puzzle isn’t as easy of a sell as an Avenger’s movie. Picking cherries would always lose to Chuck-E-Cheese if the kids were given a choice. Now that Chuck-E-Cheese is no longer an option those cherries start to look like a pretty sweet option. That said, quarantine isn’t all puzzles and cherry picking. We have filled a good chunk of our days with “excessive” screen time and an Avengers movie or three, but who hasn’t‽

Mom of two and seeking sanity in the everyday. Let’s chat about family, school struggles, travel, and living our best life. Located in the San Francisco Bay area.