We usually don’t splurge on souvenirs when we go to Disney. We don’t need all that extra stuff, and those little knick knacks start to add up. The most we usually get is maybe a couple of Disney pins or a Disney sweatshirt because, inevitably, one of us will forget their jacket back at the hotel and we’ll be too lazy to go back and get it. So, I can honestly say that I surprised myself and my family when I said “yes” to building droids at the Droid Depot in Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge.
I don’t know if it was the excitement of being in the new Galaxy’s Edge or maybe the cocktail I just consumed at Oga’s Cantina, but much to my kids’ delight we ended up in the Droid Depot building custom, remote control droids. Honestly, it was totally worth it.

The cost to build your own droid is $99.99 + tax. We have two kids, so that means two droids. Now if you are thinking, “One hundred dollars for a robot? Yikes!” I was right there with you. I actually had second thoughts once in line and I saw the price, but at that point I wasn’t going to ruin the excitement clearly visible on my kids’ faces. The price was actually a lot easier to swallow once I found out light sabers start at $199 each… and there was 100% less of a chance the kids would smack each other with a robot. Well, maybe a 99% less of a chance.
Was it worth it? Yes. If you are big Star Wars fans like we are, you will enjoy it. We have had them home now for a couple months and the kids have brought them out a few times to play with the droids… or chase the dogs around the house with them. They are not a souvenir that sits on a shelf. They are interactive, custom made toys designed and assembled by you.

What I really like about the Droid Depot is that it is like everything else in Galaxy’s edge: it’s all about the details and experience. You are not just going into a store and plopping down a hundred bucks for a souvenir. You are entering into a depot in the remote edge of Batuu to build a custom droid companion to accompany you on your space adventures. One of the things Disney has always gotten right is that they know how to spark the imagination. I especially love watching this in my kids.
My son has sensory processing disorder which makes it hard for him to enjoy many of the rides or attractions in the park, so an experience like building a robot is right up his alley… that and the interactive game he played throughout Galaxy’s Edge “hacking” the space ships and space port hardware found there… but perhaps that is a subject for a different post. But going back again to the question of if it is worth it, I would definitely say; “Yes. Absolutely.” Seeing how much he lit up and enjoyed the experience at Droid Depot was well worth more than the money.

Mom of two and seeking sanity in the everyday. Let’s chat about family, school struggles, travel, and living our best life. Located in the San Francisco Bay area.
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