I feel like my home is bursting at the seams with toys. We seriously have toys hidden in every nook and cranny of our house. About twice a year we do go through them and try to donate the ones that the kids don’t play with anymore. But no matter how many we get rid of, the house still feels cluttered. That’s why this holiday season I’m looking for non toy gifts ideas.
Even though I know that some of the kid’s gifts will inevitably be toys, they don’t all have to be. Some of our favorite gifts over the years have been non-toy gifts. These gifts can come in the form of almost anything – from experiences, to classes, to even things like jammies and slippers. Below are some of our absolute favorite non-toy gift ideas.
Our Favorite Non Toy Gift Ideas
These are just a few ideas that have worked great for us in the past. I hope you can find something on here that will help you avoid falling victim to toy overload this Christmas. Below you can click and shop some of our favorites. Happy shopping!

Mom of two and seeking sanity in the everyday. Let’s chat about family, school struggles, travel, and living our best life. Located in the San Francisco Bay area.